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  • thejoshivoicelab

The Mask-Voice Quality Connection: New Insights into Acoustic Measures Amidst COVID-19

Updated: Jul 5, 2023

We're thrilled to announce the publication of our latest article, "COVID-19: acoustic measures of voice in individuals wearing different facemasks". As the world grapples with the ongoing pandemic, we at the Joshi Voice Lab have continued our mission to provide impactful insights in voice research, and this new article highlights one such effort.

Our investigation reveals that most common masks do not significantly alter clinical acoustic measures of voice. However, a notable change was observed when a face shield was worn, indicating its potential impact on voice acoustics. These findings are crucial in the current landscape where mask-wearing is not only a safety measure but also a new norm in our daily communication.

We extend heartfelt gratitude to our study participants who volunteered during these challenging times, and to our dedicated research assistants whose relentless work made this study possible. As we delve further into this topic, we assure you more interesting data is on the horizon.

So, as we continue to navigate this pandemic together, remember: Masks may guard us against the virus, but they need not silence our voices. Stay tuned for more findings from our ongoing research! #uhcomd #voicefoundation

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