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Dr. Rubino won with "Best Oral Research" Award from PAVA

Hot on the heels of her recent accolade from the Texas Speech-Language Hearing Foundation, Dr. Rubino, a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at Joshi Voice Lab, has added another feather to her cap.

This time, she has been honored by the Pan-American Vocology Association (PAVA) with the prestigious "Best Oral Research" award at the 2023 PAVA Symposium. Her winning presentation, titled "Identity as a Barrier and Facilitator in Voice Habilitation and Rehabilitation," captivated the audience with its insightful exploration of the complex interplay between identity and voice therapy.

Kudos to Dr. Rubino for continuing to shine in the field of voice studies and for bringing such critical topics to the forefront of vocology. Way to go! Your achievements are a source of inspiration for aspiring researchers and a proud moment for Joshi Voice Lab.

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