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The Team


Ashwini Joshi, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Lab Director

Ashwini Joshi’s research interests are in developing evidence-based assessments and treatments for voice disorders. The two primary foci of her current research are identifying low-cost assessment tools for voice disorders and developing an evidence-based protocol for rehabilitation after vocal fold surgery for benign lesions. A grant from the National Institute of Health allows for the measurement of patient compliance towards current post-surgical protocols. 


Marianna Rubino

Post-doctoral Research Fellow

Marianna Rubino is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Joshi Lab. Current research interests pertaining to voice include actor voice training, identity, and implementation science. Professional memberships include ASHA, SIG 3, Voice Foundation, PAVA, and VASTA, where she chairs Healthcore. Dr. Rubino has acted in professional productions in New York City, Houston, Chicago, and elsewhere. Her Podcast "The Actor's Voice"  Actor focuses on voice training, use, and performance:


Abigail Duppuen

Research Assistant

Abigail Dueppen is a coloratura soprano with degrees in vocal performance and speech language pathology. She has performed internationally and works as a speech-language pathologist at the Texas Voice Center, focusing on voice disorders. Her research interests include voice science, rehabilitation, vocal pedagogy, and vocology.


Ruiqing 'Stephanie' Fan

Research Asssitant

Ruiqing 'Stephanie' Fan is a clinical fellow and first-year Ph.D. student at the University of Houston. Her research interests include the post-surgical rehabilitation of phonomicrosurgery and integrating machine learning to improve the care of patients with voice disorders. 


Lab Alumni


Sanjay Balasubramanium 


Alexandra Gorman B.S.


Stephanie Chan B.S. 


Nastassia Horn B.S., SLPA​


Isha Baheti M.A., CCC-SLP


Melcher Life Sciences, 3871 Holman St, G105A,  Houston  TX 77204


© 2023 by The Joshi Voice Lab

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